Executive – The Rolling Barrage

Board of Directors
Provincial Leads
Our Ridership

Leeona Bond – The Rolling Barrage – Online Auction Co-ordinator

My first exposure to The Rolling Barrage was in 2021, when I rode with the group from Thunder Bay to Saskatoon. I was immediately impressed by the welcoming, accepting, and supportive nature of the group (yes – even grumpy Jim!).

I knew without a doubt that I’d be joining the ride again the next year, and was excited to help contribute to the cause as the Online Auction Coordinator beginning in 2022.

I am not military myself – unable to join for medical reasons. However, in 2008 I was lucky to find a civilian support position in the CAF at 17 Wing Winnipeg with PSP. Those who might remember the PERI trade from back in the day– I’m the civilian version.

In 15 years with PSP, including short assignments at bases across Canada and the USA, I’ve built many strong friendships with active and retired military members, and have developed a deep respect and admiration for what they do, and all they have given and continue to give. Its my honour to give back in any way I can, and being part of The Rolling Barrage helps me do that.

I live in Winnipeg with my partner (military veteran & The Rolling Barrage COO) Mark, where we like to get out and enjoy the short riding season whenever we can.

Photo Gallery – Executive