On the top of my bucket list was to ride my bike across Canada.

While working at Highland Valley Copper mines I met Scott and Leslie. When I heard of Scott’s plan to ride coast to coast to bring awareness to PTSD, I thought it was a great idea! And I wanted to join up to support the cause. Unfortunately in 2017, I could not get the time off of work.

My grandfather was in WW1, my dad in WW2, in London when it got bombed, ( he suffered from’Shell Shock’). One of my brothers went into the Navy right out of high school.

I lost all 5 brothers between 1974-1994, one to suicide. At the time I was dating a veteran who had done 3 tours to Vietnam, and he really suffered with PTSD. I felt so helpless and so desired to learn more…
The ride seem like a good place to learn.

So 2018 I signed up to do the Full Pull! I was SO excited and very nervous…how am I and my Pink bike going to fit in with a bunch of serious looking dudes with big black bikes?? What a pleasure and honour to meet so many wonderful people, very kind and so helpful! ( Pinkie had some issues the first couple of days). They just accepted me and my lil Pink bike.

We started every morning with a story and dedication, me in tears…I was so humbled by the many heart wrenching stories of those who could not live with their demons.
This just confirmed in my heart that I wanted to help more. Within days these strangers became friends I truly cared about, and in 3 weeks I loved them like family. 2018 Full Pull , Halifax to Victoria, personal growth in many areas. An epic adventure!

I started fundraising to help TRB, it’s fun and gave me purpose. 2019, I rode in 3 provinces, and Sheila got to shave my head 2020, 2022 rode thru 2 provinces. 2021, I was evacuated for 9 days missing the ride but got to say hello to everyone in Kelowna.

This year 2023, I was able to sign up for the Full Pull again, ( always wanted to go to Newfoundland!) so fun to reconnect with so many and meet new people, my family is growing!

This year I was asked to be a TailGunner, Pinkie did me proud! It was such a privilege to be part of the safety crew! And were we ever tested! Heavy rainfalls, extreme heat, catching a chest cold, smoke from wildfires, it just brought us closer and we all worked so well together.

A handful of us were asked to whip into Trail, to pick up water for Kelowna evacuees…

I was in awe and almost in tears again when I heard our lead TG say,”I took an oath to serve”. Wow! In typical military style we had the trailer loaded with 3 pallets of water, hand bombed in minutes! Truly amazing! I love these men with their big compassionate hearts that just want to help make this world a better place.

I am so blessed to be part of the Rolling Barrage and ride across our beautiful country, just grateful beyond words! I can not wait to see my family again next year, a family I love and trust and respect deeply. Each one having something precious to offer. Many I will keep in contact with throughout the year, they are family!
(Oh, and I got to cross off another bucket list item!! A ride in a limo!!)

Hope to see you all next year!

Karen Harvey
Full Pull Alumni / Tailgunner , The Rolling Barrage