The Rolling Barrage – Coast to Coast Ride to Combat the Stigma associated with PTSD and other mental and physical challenges resultant of service in the military and first responder communities will be Kick Stands Up in Newfoundland in a little over 43 days.

You don’t want to miss out on this ride. Be it for 1 day or more. While Registration is completely Online and we will be continuing to accept Registrations Online during The Rolling Barrage. Registering before the ride greatly helps in the logistics, operations, planning and administration of the ride across the entire country.

Registration – all online – keep your email receipts for Check – In

Routes – we have the routes for the entire coast to coast ride in PDF format in both English and French.

Hotel Information – the hotels that The Rolling Barrage is currently blocked booked. There may be spaces available at some locations. You can also try hotels / motels locally.

Merchandise – to order merchandise and have it delivered to you before Kick Stands Up it is best to order now. Soon our Merchandise will be packed up into a trailer and headed to the start point in Newfoundland. You can always get Merchandise during the ride.