Our 2021 T-Shirts
Our 2021 line of T shirts, better reflects the diversity that we have in our participants, and our planning team. Using smaller logos to represent the branches of the Canadian Forces, and our First Responder partners.
These shirts are black, mens/ladies and come in either an Everyday cotton Tee, or Athletic fit material.

Every year its new
The 2021 Limited Edition Long Sleeve shirt.
Done in blue this year, many things try to highlight our 5th year, and recognize the motorcycle in its role with First Response teams.
All these items are available for purchase in our online store
I just participated today in the run from red deer to Jasper. I peeled out just after Cynthia.
I would love to get my hands on the limited edition long sleeve. Is there a chance that you’ll do another printing of them?
Hi there,
We always have the annual challenge of printing too many or not enough(we still have some 2017 shirts left). With all the COVID planning challenges we had, we will discuss our options and decide a way forward once everyone gets home.
Although we like the idea of “limited”, this year is unique in many aspects. Watch our social media and/or sign up to our email list for updates.
– Rob
{sad face}
Still hoping to see additional 2021 LS shirts in the store.