“If one thing since being involved with the Rolling Barrage since 2017, you can never have enough merchandise. The weather in August across the country can go from hot to damp and cold. Just a fact of life in Canada and certainly as a motorcycle rider. Take this seasoned rider here, clearly he needs some… “
(Knock Knock)
Website Guy – “Wonder who that can be?”
Open’s Door – (In walks Throttle)

Website Guy – “Hey Throttle, I was just setting up the next blog about Merchandise, perfect timing actually.”
Throttle – “Hey pinhead, I heard you were going to… #$%&… what the hell is that on your screen?”
Website Guy – “Oh that, it’s kind of setup for purchasing merchandise…you know the whole… “Don’t Be Out in the Cold” … sort of thing. Get your merchandise now on the website, before the shop closes down at Merchandise HQ and goes Mobile – coast to coast with the Rolling Barrage.”
(Throttle Looks Closer at the Screen)

Throttle – (leans into Website Guy’s ear and whispers) “I think his $%&#@ are showing.”
Website Guy – “No, look, he is clearly wearing like socks.. and… and… a hat.. hey.. what about that smile? Look at that. He’s clearly happy he is going for a ride, thumbs up and all. But the blog is about, he does not have to ride like that, not when we have all this really cool merchandise… that…yes, he could wear.”
Throttle – “I dunno. I think the Board of Directors are gonna flip their lid. Let alone this guy. I think he is going to pound you like a tent peg when he sees ya. Hopefully, by then, he will have some clothes at least so I can watch him tune you like a guitar. Seen a scrap once between two Scottish Terriers wearing kilts…not pretty.”
Website Guy – “Listen, I know this guy. He submitted this picture as part of our Show and Shine contest a while back.. or was that someone else..?”
Throttle – “Oh, he is Showing and Shining alright.”
Website Guy – “To point out I might add, you walk around.. you know.. (whistles) …sort of “au natural, and where is your Rolling Barrage merch huh? What kind of Merchandise Mascot are you?”
Throttle – “Well, one who at least has some clothes. You are so in $%&@ dude if you post this.”
Website Guy – “Maybe.. maybe not, can I continue?”
Throttle – “Hey knock yourself out man, at least you won’t feel it when the dude in the picture gets a hold of ya.”
Website Guy – From the top... “If one thing is sure about the Rolling Barrage, you can never have enough merchandise. The weather in August across the country can go from hot to damp and cold. Just a fact of life in Canada and certainly as a motorcycle rider. Take this seasoned rider here, clearly he needs some of our merchandise. He needs to be prepared.
We have a wide assortment of Rolling Barrage branded short sleeve shirts. For both men and women. Maybe you’d like to really dress up in our Limited Edition Long Sleeve Shirt. On those colder rides or evenings, think about one of our hoodies. We have a normal pull over type and a zip up one.
To top it off, no pun intended.. we also sell Rolling Barrage hats. So hit up our website Merchandise Store to get the gear you need to be ready for the ride. Soon, starting August 1st, our merchandise store will switch over to Mobile. That is right, we have a truck and trailer going coast to coast with merchandise. Ready for riders to further stock up but also the supporters and general public.
Also as a notice, our website merchandise store will remain open until Friday July 14th. If you need merchandise right away, buy it now. That way, it can be shipped to you immediately. After Friday July 14th merchandise is being packed up to be shipped to Newfoundland and placed in our trailer.
All sales during Rolling Barrage will be done from the trailer as it goes coast to coast with the ride.
We also are getting shipments dropped in Halifax, Kingston and Saskatoon, to ensure we have more than enough merchandise across the entire ride and country.”
Throttle – “Hey is that merchandise being dropped by helicopter! “Get to the choppa! I seen that once in a movie; was way cool. You guys need like a helicopter to do that stuff.”
Website Guy – “No, we don’t have a choppa… hit the Merchandise Store and get your delivery before the ride starts.”
Throttle – “Good pitch, but I think you are still gonna get in &%$@”