The Rolling Barrage – Provincial Leads

Board of Directors
Provincial Leads
Our Ridership

Provincial Leads

The Rolling Barrage participates in an annual ride that goes from coast to coast across Canada, proceeding along generally the Trans Canada Highway from a major roadway perspective. The Rolling Barrage ride as an annual event also goes off this path to other communities when operationally allowable.

The Provincial Leads, with their local volunteers, help make the ride proceed from within and province to province. It is an extremely important duty and responsibility.

As Leaders they work with Ride Operations on Routes, appropriate fueling stations, areas for rest, site visits, hotel accommodations, awareness of The Rolling Barrage to communities along the routes or at events such as motorcycle shows, or in support of other Not For Profit and Charity events, localized supporting sponsorships, and the list can go further.

They all have participated as riders in some measure. They make a lot of what has been crucial to the continued success of The Rolling Barrage since 2017 and forward.

Below are the current Provincial Leads. The Rolling Barrage is always in need of good people who want to do good things. If you are interested in Volunteering check out our Volunteer page or Contact Us and let us discuss volunteering with The Rolling Barrage.

Chad Sainsbury – Newfoundland – Team Lead

Hi, my name is Chad Sainsbury, I am not a veteran or first responder but my brother is, as well as many other family and friends. I live in Pouch Cove, NL with my wife and two children. I am an Industrial Electrician at Memorial University in St. John’s, NL.

I first became aware of The Rolling Barrage (TRB) in 2022 when my brother, Chris Sainsbury – a retired vet, came from his home in Germany to ride the pull from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. My interest in the TRB began as I listened to him tell me about his adventures and the friends he made during the trip.

The following year Chris was the Newfoundland & Labrador Rep for TRB 2023, which he was coordinating from Germany. Though not an actual participant, I assisted my brother wherever and whenever I was able.

Approximately one month before kickstands up (KSU) 2023 Chris convinced me to take my family and make a vacation out of following the TRB as far as Nova Scotia, where my wife is originally from. We hosted a meal for the TRB riders at my home, participated in the 2 pre-days, and followed in our SUV for 3 days, making new friends all along the way. It was one of the best experiences I have had in years. I enjoyed the fellowship of the members so much that I proceeded in purchasing a bike at 11:30 pm the night before KSU, even though I had never ridden a motorcycle before.

When I heard that TRB was looking for someone to organize the Newfoundland leg for 2024 and that my name had been mentioned I was unsure about it, but by the time we parted in Nova Scotia, I had realized that I wanted to be involved and assist in any way possible..

I am now the Newfoundland Rep for TRB 2024 and can’t wait for the new experience to actually ride alongside my brother and new friends. The camaraderie and friendships you make during this event are ones that last a lifetime. I am looking forward to experiencing KSU 2024 and furthering this great cause!


Ian Hutchings – Nova Scotia – Team Lead

My name is Ian Hutchings, I did my first ride with “The Rolling Barrage” (TRB) in 2021. I rode 3 days and was immediately accepted as family.

I initially felt like a outsider, as I ‘m not military, nor a first responder. I simply ride for my brother who was both. His good friend told me about the ride and we road the first year together.

My brother road many years to help his PTSD but was never aware of The Rolling Barrage. I know if he was, he would have supported this amazing group of riders. I also know he would be proud of his little brother for helping this great cause. My job now is to spread the word and help this ride progress.

In early 2022 I also was asked if I could help organize the Nova Scotia legs, I was very happy to do more than just ride to support the group. So in August 2022, I again road the first three days on the east coast to New Brunswick.  I was very proud we had our best number of participants depart Halifax in 2022, it was a great kick-off to the cross country run. From Legions donating lobster dinners in Yarmouth to the Windsor Legions incredible lunch stop,  Nova Scotia showed their hospitality. I also secretly decided to rejoin the ride again in Alberta and ride another three days to Vancouver (checking out how the west coast showed their hospitality – it did not disappoint).

I flew to Calgary and rented a bike there. It was also retracing the route my brother and I road in 2018 before he passed. It was a very special few days of riding, with a group of very special people. I really needed to be there for the finish of the ride, as I wanted to see it through. So perhaps the first “split puller” in The Rolling Barrage’s history as I was able to be part of the finish. One day when work allows, I will cross this great country with the Barrage as a true “Full Puller”.

I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone again in 2023 and ride again to support those in need. Come out and join in for a leg, a day or all the way!!! You will not be disappointed to have this group “as” your new extended “family”.

Linda Griffin – New Brunswick – Team Lead 

Linda has been riding motorcycles since 2005. Her involvement with The Rolling Barrage started about 6 years ago by doing a couple legs each time.

In 2022, Linda did the Full Pull and has been hooked ever since. Linda describes it as such a life-changing experience.

This is Linda’s second year as the New Brunswick Team Lead. She is a champion locally within the province in raising funds through local lottery, auctions and donations from many businesses local to her. 

Prince Edward Island – Team Lead 

Bio coming soon.

Michelle Croteau – Quebec – Team Lead

Je me nomme Michelle Croteau. Je ne suis pas vétérane ni première répondante, mais des membres de ma famille ont servi les Forces Armées Canadiennes et des amis font partis des premiers répondants. Dans la vie de tous les jours je suis maman, belle-maman d’une famille
recomposée et gestionnaire de projet.

Lors de ma première participation, j’étais en transition entre deux emplois. Je venais de quitter un emploi qui me procurait beaucoup de stress. Je souffrais d’anxiété et j’avais plusieurs symptômes d’épuisement professionnel et de dépression. C’est mon beau-père, lui-même vétéran, qui nous a parlé du TRB comme étant
une occasion de faire de la moto et de supporter des gens souffrant de syndrome post- traumatique. C’est dans ce contexte que mon conjoint François et moi avons participé pour la première fois à The Rolling Barrage en 2021 (5ième Édition).

La première journée j’étais gênée, car je ne connaissais personne outre mes beaux-parents. Je n’avais pas l’impression d’être à ma place, puisque j’étais une civile. Puis, petit-à-petit, des liens se sont créés. Après trois jours, nous ne voulions pas partir et avons prolongé notre voyage d’une journée. Cette dernière journée est une journée unique qui est gravée dans mon cœur à jamais. C’est à ce moment que j’ai pris conscience que maseule présence et mon écoute pouvaient faire une
différence. Que même si je n’avais pas servi mon pays ou ma communauté comme la majorité des participants, je pouvais offrir mon support à ceux ayant revêtu l’uniforme.

Depuis, c’est un rendez-vous annuel pour moi. C’est d’abord un rendez-vous avec moi-même, un temps de pause dans cette vie si chargée mais aussi un rendez-vous avec cette belle et grande communauté qui se tisse d’un océan à l’autre, kilomètre après kilomètre. C’est l’occasion de retrouver des personnes au cœur si généreux qui sont devenus des amis en quelques jours. Au fil des kilomètres on réalise que ces blessures invisibles n’ont pas de métier, elles nous touchent tous et c’est lorsqu’on commence à en parler ouvertement, que doucement, les barrières s’estompent, que l’on s’ouvre et que le chemin vers le mieux-être peut commencer. Il ne faut pas rester silencieux. Alors c’est avec beaucoup d’humilité et une immense gratitude envers l’organisation qu’après trois années de participation j’ai accepté de relever le défi d’être représentante pour le Québec avec mon conjoint. C’est ma façon à moi de redonner à ceux qui nous donne tant et de contribuer à cette cause.

My name is Michelle. I am not a veteran or first responder, but some of my family members have served the Canadian Armed Forces and friends are among the first responders.

In everyday life I am a mother, mother-in-law of a stepfamily and project manager.

When I first participated, I was transitioning between two jobs. I had just left a job that was giving me a lot of stress. I was suffering from anxiety and had several symptoms of burnout and depression.

It was my father-in-law, himself a veteran, who told us about TRB as an opportunity to ride a motorcycle and support people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

It is in this context that my husband François and I participated for the first time in The Rolling Barrage in 2021 (5th edition).

The first day I was shy, because I didn’t know anyone besides my in-laws. I didn’t feel like I belonged, since I was a civilian. Then, little by little, links were created. After three days, we didn’t want to leave and extended our trip by one day. This last day is a unique day that is engraved in my heart forever. That’s when I realized that my mere presence and listening could make a difference.

That even if I had not served my country or my community like the majority of participants, I could offer my support to those who had wear the uniform. Since then, it has been an annual event for me. It is first of all an appointment with myself, a time of pause in this life so busy but also an appointment with this beautiful and large community that is woven from coast to coast, kilometer after kilometer.

It is an opportunity to meet people with such generous hearts who have become friends in a few days. Over the kilometers we realize that these invisible wounds have no job, they affect us all and it is when we begin to talk about them openly, that slowly, the barriers fade, that we open and that the path to well-being can begin. We must not remain silent.

So it is with great humility and immense gratitude to the organization that after three years of participation I accepted the challenge of being a representative for Quebec with my husband. It’s my way of giving back to those who give so much and contributing to this cause.

Francois Couture – Quebec – Team Lead

Je m’appelle François Couture et c’est mon père, qui est vétéran, qui m’a parlé du The Rolling Barrage (TRB). C’est donc à la suite de quelques discussions, que ma conjointe et moi avons rejoint mes parents lors de l’édition de 2021.

Nous avons rejoint le groupe à Montmagny au Québec, avec un plan de voyage de trois jours qui devait nous amener jusqu’en Ontario. J’avais peu d’expérience de conduite de moto en groupe et je ne connaissais que quelques participants. Je me sentais comme une recrue. En plus, en tant que civil, je me sentais un peu imposteur de me joindre à eux. Dès les premières heures, desparticipants m’ont conseillé afin que je me sente àl’aise de rouler en groupe. Puis rapidement le même jour, puisque je suis camionneur et que je connais bien la région de Montréal, on m’a demandé de seconder le leader pour guider le groupe. Je me rappelle comment j’étais impressionné d’être devant mais aussi de voirtoutes ces motos dans mes rétroviseurs!

Lors des arrêts, j’aimais en profiter pour prendre des photos des participants et croquer sur le vif certains moments uniques. Puis les liens se sont tissés et après trois jours je n’avais pas envie de partir. Nous avons donc décidé d’ajouter une journée à notre voyage. De retour à la maison, j’avais les bleues, je me sentais vide, j’avais envie de prendre le premier avion pour les rejoindre à l’autre bout du pays.

Depuis, à chaque année nous ajoutons une journée de plus à notre itinéraire. Je découvre avec plaisir des régions de mon pays, je fais de belles rencontres et je tisse de belles amitiés. Chaque année, c’est un moment que j’attends avec impatience. C’est avec un immense plaisir qu’à l’issue de l’édition 2023 j’ai accepté de rejoindre l’organisation à titre de représentant du Québec avec ma conjointe Michelle.

My name is François Couture and it is my father, who is a veteran, who told me about The Rolling Barrage (TRB). It was after some discussions, that my wife and I joined my parents during the 2021 edition.

We joined the group in Montmagny, Quebec, with a three-day travel plan that would take us all the way to Ontario.

I had little experience riding motorcycles in a group and I only knew a few participants. I felt like a rookie. Also, as a civilian, I felt a bit impostor to join them.

From the first hours, participants advised me so that I felt comfortable riding in a group. Then quickly the same day, since I am a truck driver and since I know the Montreal area well, I was asked to assist the lead bike to guide the group.

I remember how impressed I was to be in front as well as to see all these bikes in my mirrors! During the stops, I liked to take pictures of the participants and sketch on the spot some unique moments.

Then the bonds were forged and after three days I didn’t want to leave. So we decided to add a day to our trip. Back home, I had the blues, I felt empty, I wanted to take the first plane to join them on the other side of the country.

Since then, every year we add an extra day to our itinerary. I discover with pleasure regions of my country, I make beautiful encounters and I weave beautiful friendships.

Every year is a moment I look forward to. It is with great pleasure that at the end of the 2023 edition I agreed to join the organization as a representative of Quebec with my wife Michelle.

Ontario – Team Lead 

Ontario is supported administratively, logistically and operationally by the Board of Directors, Executive and local volunteers. 

Ontario is a large province and comprised normally of 5 local stops. If you are interested or considering on Volunteering for this position please reach out to us on the Contact Us page and submit a simple contact form to begin discussing with us volunteering as the Ontario – Team Lead. 

Michael Kirk – Manitoba – Team Lead 

Michael joined the military in 2002. After QL-3 RCEME School in CFB Bordon Ontario. He was then posted to CFB Shilo in Manitoba. Michael was then posted to 1 RCHA in May of 2007 and from there to 14 Wing Greenwood, Nova Scotia in 2013.

Michael and his family made their way back to Manitoba for a posting to 17 Wing in Winnipeg. In 2020 he took a NATO Mission to Bahgdad Iraq. On the 19 April 2023, Michael decided to take his release from the Regular Force to then work for DND as a Public Service Employee Mechanic.

Michael now resides in Winnipeg with my wife and 2 growing boys that keep him very busy during the winter with Hockey.

Michael’s first time on The Rolling Barrage was in 2023, where he was asked to take over as the Manitoba Team Lead.

Saskatchewan – Team Lead 

Bio coming soon.

Keith Campeau – Alberta – Team Lead

Road Name – “P-Stop” 

My name is Keith Campeau and I am an 18 year Army Veteran. I served 15 years Regular Force as a Vehicle Technician (2002-2017) and 3 years in the Reserves as MSE Op (1990-1993).

I joined The Rolling Barrage 2023 for the very first time and committed to the Full Pull. I was also invited to be part of the safety team as a Tailgunner, a role I readily accepted with honor and pride. Riding a motorcycle across our great nation with The Rolling Barrage I felt the positive impact that TRB had on me which enabled me to restart a healing process. I also noticed the effect the TRB had on others and their own journey of healing.

My experience on TRB 2023 has changed my life, and my family, for the better and I wish to pass on the opportunity for ALL others suffering in silence so that they may also start to heal and find peace.

Carola has left me with big shoes to fill, but I am up to the challenges that lie ahead to continue the work that she has started here in Alberta. Here’s to making TRB 2024 as epic for everyone as TRB 2023 was for me.

Keith Campeau

Alberta Team Lead

Full Pull Alumni


Road names: P-Stop

Todd Watson – British Columbia – Team Lead

Road Name – “Dirty Todd” 

Joined on my 18th Birthday in September 1985, after completing basic training and Battle School I was posted to 3 RCR in Winnipeg. During the 2 years in Winnipeg as we all did, was qualified in all aspects of an infantry soldier before we deployed to Germany. 4 years in Germany was all great until a blown out left knee lead me to surgery which never really healed and did not allow me to continue to be combat ready. Although being stubborn I pushed the boundaries allotted by my medical category. I was sent to 2 RCR in 1992 upon closure of CFB Baden and finished my career before an inevitable medical release occurred.

I served from 1985-1993 with the RCR’s and upon release was employed in BC Corrections and hit my 30 years in. Have supported The Rolling Barrage in some aspect from the onset but more of late with little legs here and there. Took on the role of British Columbia lead when approached by Scott Casey and Jim Gordon this year. I promote The Rolling Barrage as often as I can with communication and flaunting Barrage Swag! Looking forward to upcoming years and fingers crossed, doing a Full Pull on the 10-Year Anniversary. That I think is going to be epic. Currently, a member of the UN Nato Veterans organization and sport the road name of Dirty Todd given to me by the Mainland Crew here in BC.

Board of Directors
Provincial Leads
Our Ridership