Our History – The Rolling Barrage

In 2016

Scott Casey envisioned an annual cross-Canada motorcycle ride.

The premise was to fight the stigma of PTSD and raise funds for programs or organizations that help CAF members, Veterans, and First Responders (both serving and retired) obtain treatment to live with the mental health injuries they received from their service to Canada and their communities.

The Rolling Barrage would soon be established and planning for the inaugural ride began in early 2017.

“The Rolling Barrage” Ride in 2017

Canada and Canadians celebrated the 150th birthday of our nation and also the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, where the ride derives its namesake.

The Sound of Rumbling Motorcycles

Motorcycles crossing Canada signify The Rolling Barrage’s memorial to those who have sacrificed for our nation.

Historical Fact

Canadians developed the “creeping barrage” tactic for artillery fire. It was the crucial component of the Vimy success. It is said that Canada was born in that battle, as all 4 divisions fought and declared victory together when all others had failed.

After Four Rapidly Developing Years

Scott felt the pressure of this incredible event and realized it was time to pass the mantle of leadership on.  It was not an easy or straightforward decision by any means.

It was the right one, though; he was burning out and needed to shift his focus back to himself, his amazing family, and his many other projects.

September 2020

Paul Harman (Harm) accepted Scott Casey’s offer to assume the top tier of leadership within The Rolling Barrage.

With the help of some truly talented folks, Harm re-organized The Rolling Barrage into a nationally organized event, with a top-down structure, while maintaining Scott’s original dream and grass-roots approach.

April of 2021

The Board of Directors of Military Minds Inc (MMI) made a tough decision to dissolve the corporation.

In order to maintain the integrity of The Rolling Barrage due to the impact on the ridership, The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation was quickly created to carry on the efforts and alignment for the sake of this worthwhile fundraising event.

The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation

The organization will experience developing growth between 2020 and 2022. The organization also had to endure much like many charities for a period during the Covid Pandemic where The Rolling Barrage had a ride but within regional bubbles.

The ride was conducted in 3 Primary Regions. Atlantic, Central and Western.

They did not celebrate the 5th anniversary of the ride to the extent planned.

Organizational Tools

Microsoft granting charity access to Teams, Email, and Office software elevated the orgs ability to communicate internally and externally.

Merchandise was Redesigned

The Rolling Barrage embraced the mission goals by fully redesigning merchandise. In particular redesign concepts of the Limited Edition series of shirts and Short Sleeve Shirts.

Serving in the CAF, posting, and operating an organization like The Rolling Barrage can all add up. With that, Paul Harman (Harm) made the tough decision to step down from the org in Nov 2022 and officially in February 2023, after a handover to current leadership.

Nov 2022

The Founder of The Rolling Barrage, Scott Casey, spoke at length with Christian Carter, who has had various roles in The Rolling Barrage from planning, ride supporter, safety group, and fundraiser, since 2017. He was asked one question, “what is the most important thing you see that needs to be considered?”

Chris answered instantly, “Your 10th Anniversary. At this point you have all the foundational aspects, but it needs to be built on and out in a big way and public, or your 10th Anniversary will be just another motorcycle ride.”

His answer to some may seem brutal in ways, but he was honest and right.

Board of Directors and Executive

November 2022 – new members joined the Board of Directors.

Scott Casey, Founder and Director and James Gordon, Director and Chief Operations Officer (COO).

Elected were Carola Singer, Director and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), now Treasurer and Warren Cave, Director and Riding Groups.

Christian Carter – selected as CEO – Chief Executive Officer

March of 2023 – Leslie Atkinson, Co-Founder is elected to the Board of Directors.

One of the immediate changes Christian established was the removal of the CEO from the Board of Directors and voting rights. “Not required. The ability to do the work I need to do does not require me to be part of the BoD or have voting rights.”


“Let’s tackle the website. For every nickel we spend, we have to bring back a shiny quarter or more to do what our mission is.”

The website has taken a dramatic shift because it supports extended information on our organization, Who We Help, Sponsors , Supporting Sponsors, The Rolling Barrage – Blog, The Full Pull – Blog and Not Silent – Blog.

Vitally important was adding Who We Help which showcases organizations we have donated to as The Rolling Barrage from 2021 forward.

Our History

“Displaying our history is important. A lot of hard work by many in the past has contributed to getting us where we are today and where we will go tomorrow and beyond.”

Merchandise Store

24/7 – 365 – The Rolling Barrage is committed to raising funds and a large contributory portion of that comes from our merchandise sales. Our Merchandise Shop is crucial to our continued mission.

Social Media

Promote The Rolling Barrage activities in our blogs and flip those stories onto our Social Media, especially Facebook.


Promote sponsorship of The Rolling Barrage and in turn, give our valued Sponsors and Supporting Sponsors the recognition they deserve.

The Full Pull and Riders

For 2023, The Rolling Barrage is already breaking previous Full Pull ridership numbers. We are providing information as quickly as possible to all riders via the Website and on Social Media.

“We have a lot of work to do. You (collectively everyone from Sponsors, Supporters, Riders, BoD, Executive, Provincial Reps and Volunteers). We need your help, and in turn, we help.”

August 2023

The Rolling Barrage 7th 2023 annual ride coast to coast to combat the stigma associated with PTSD and other mental health challenges experienced significant growth.

Full Pull riders increased in total to over 40 riders. Overall ridership coast to coast between the provinces increased with over 400 rider participants.

Merchandise sales experienced exceptional growth with the introduction of the red Limited Edition Long Sleeve shirt which coincided with the 150th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. This was also coupled with a visit during The Rolling Barrage ride in 2023 with a visit to their Home Station in Regina Saskatchewan.

Sept 2023

The website would be redesigned to factor in a growing mobile segment in society today. Areas of the website would be redesigned to facilitate further value and recognition for our Sponsors, Supporting Sponsors, and Who We Help.

October – December 2023

Donations to organizations and writing a blog post about them and flipping those stories onto our Facebook page.

January – March 2024

Continued planning for The Rolling Barrage 8th Annual 2024 ride continues. The Rolling Barrage ride poster, Routes, Hotels and the Guides are also in development. Merchandise, primarily the Limited Edition Long Sleeve Shirt for The Rolling Barrage 2024 is well underway.

April 2024

April 1st the Royal Canadian Air Force celebrates its Centennial Birthday. 100 Years of Service.

The Rolling Barrage commences online Registration for the 2024 ride. Routes are released in PDF format in both English and French. The Rolling Barrage Limited Edition Long Sleeve Shirt celebrating the 100th birthday of the RCAF is also released.

Additional Sponsors are recognized, such as Rude Awakening Tour, Suncor, Microsoft, Spartan Wellness, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 265 and The Veteran Farmer. 

Our Previous, The Rolling Barrage, Coast to Coast Rides

The Rolling Barrage has significant history. Below are Posters from all the previous rides across the country.

Click on the image and it will expand in “Lightbox” for a better view. They are added from the first ride in 2017 to the most current one.