It is 47 days to Kick Stands Up (KSU) in Newfoundland. The day is approaching near where in August 2023 The Rolling Barrage will be going into its 7th Year!
A lot of changes have transpired over the years with The Rolling Barrage. Literally a handful by comparison doing The Full Pull. The Rolling Barrage was really the new ride on the block so to speak. We were comprised mainly of retired military and active military. I think anyone who did that ride in 2017, probably ate at least 15 hamburgers or hotdogs at wherever we could get a meal discounted or graciously supported by restaurants, communities and Legions alike. Not a complaint, just the reality of being a relative unknown by many.
When the world seemed to shutter its doors and batten down the hatches we still had a Rolling Barrage. We couldn’t do a Full Pull per say due to interprovincial travel restrictions at the time so we did it in provincial and regional bubbles. We still did it because the message was important, probably even more important than ever, and supporting other organizations at a time when donations were dwindling for many organizations. The Rolling Barrage, the ridership and supporters came through and we were able to help many. If there is an example of resilience that pretty much sets a bar.
This year, 2023 our VII, 7th year is really something special. The number of Full Pullers is well over 50 wonderful riders, from military, retired, active duty, the First Responder community of police, fire and EMS services, women and men. We also have several civilian riders joining in as supporters.
We are going to have a truck and a trailer from coast to coast with merchandise and timely resupply missions in Halifax, Kingston and Saskatoon to ensure we have a reasonable amount of merchandise across the country for riders and supporters.
We have great support from business and supporters across the country providing food. We’re going to eat on a ship in Nova Scotia, at Big Freight in Steinbach Manitoba, and pay a visit to the RCMP Heritage Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan, to name a few highlights. It doesn’t include the Legions and other facilities who have opened their doors to support us as well clear across the country. Check out our Route Information page. You can download the entire countries Route or Individual Days. Up to you.
So what does this have to do with Registration? It has everything to do with Registration and more. We realize that for many who are challenged with PTSD or other types of mental health challenges participating in something like the The Rolling Barrage can be a daunting task, maybe even an obstacle.
We have had riders who intended to just do a visit at a stop, Register and maybe do part of one leg. We have had riders who intended to ride 1 day, and end up doing 2-3 days. We have had riders register and just really go day by day, and end up doing the entire country.
Here are two pictures we want to show everyone.

Both pictures are from a riders perspective. It proves that no matter where you ride within The Rolling Barrage, you are not alone. You will be riding with others probably not much different than yourself.
So ride with us, join us for 1 day, 4 days or ride the entire country. The first step is Registering.
We look forward to seeing you.