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Big Freight Systems supports our troops and first responders. Do you want to know how much? The Founder of The Rolling Barrage, Scott Casey was in discussions with our good friends at Big Freight Systems Inc.

The company has offered to transport our riders bikes from BC to NL. They not only said they’d transport them to the start line but they also offered to ship them back after the ride as well. So a second trip from BC to NL. But hauling our bikes wasn’t quite enough. They also told Scott Casey they’d haul them for FREE!!!!!!

Big Freight Systems Inc.

So pay attention to our Facebook page and our website for Registration. The spots in the tractor trailer will be on a first come first serve basis. There will be a detailed explanation of how to get ready to ship on the website soon.

Shipping can regularly cost $1200.00 or higher depending on the method and carrier. With this very generous offer from Big Freight you’ll save a whack of cash on shipping!! Thank you very much Big Freight Systems Inc for your kind and gracious Sponsorship and Donation.

For more information on Big Freight Systems, please visit their website.