The Rolling Barrage 8th Annual Ride in 96 Days from Kick-Stands Up in Newfoundland. You don’t want to miss out on this great coast to coast from east to west motorcycle across Canada. Active Duty and Veterans alike from the CAF, First Responders and those who support our efforts.

Don’t worry, we have you covered. Click on his face and you will be sent to the Registration page. But we think more people would enjoy clicking on his face.
Once you have Registered for The Rolling Barrage 2024 you have to know where you are, where you gotta be and where you gotta go right? Again, we have solved this very minor obstacle in the grand scheme of things. We have Route Guide in both English and French in PDF format.

Click on the magnifying glass on the picture above and you will be transported to our Route Information page by the magic of the internet.
After all the traveling and riding a motorcycle all over the place… well technically not all over the place, you downloaded the Route Information guide right? No? Ok, go back right now above and get that done, everyone is waiting on you.
Done? Good! Let us move on. Hotels! You need a place to stay over night and we just happen to have blocked booked Hotel rooms coast to coast. When I say “we” it really is Jim Gordon, our beloved Sunray in both title and morning demeanour during Safety Briefs. Can you imagine Jim phoning all these hotels?
“Hi, I am Sunray, Jim. I want !@#$%^& hotel rooms and I want them !@#$%^& now! Thank you.”

What’s left? Oh damn! The Rolling Barrage – Merchandise Store! We have The Rolling Barrage 2024 Limited Edition Shirt which celebrated the 100th birthday of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Now that is cool.. even they don’t have a shirt like ours to celebrate. But they can buy it! Oh yeah!

Whoa!!! I could have sworn the internet hit the afterburners, we went vertical and the last thing I remembered is buying like 5 of those shirts, hoodies, patches, coffee mugs, flags and decals before my purchasing habit finally levelled off. Check out our The Rolling Barrage 2024 – Limited Edition Long Sleeve Shirt and other cool items.
Thank you to everyone for the support you give to The Rolling Barrage. Remember, 96 days and counting down.. until Kick Stands Up in Newfoundland. Coast to Coast, East to West with The Rolling Barrage 8th Annual ride to combat the stigma of PTSD and other mental and physical challenges.