The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation / The Rolling Barrage representative for New Brunswick is conducting a 50/50 Draw in support of Hopewell Hill – New Brunswick Retreat. They conduct a H.E.L.P. Program, Heroes Equine Learning Program for Military and First Responders. Your kind donations works towards maintaining and conducting this great program.
This 50/50 Draw is for New Brunswick residents only in accordance with provincial lottery rules and regulations.
Ticket Prices
1 Ticket for $2.00
3 Tickets for $5.00
10 Tickets for $10.00
Send email transfer (EMT) for the desired amount to [email protected]
Please ensure you write First and Last Name and Phone # in the EMT Email Transfer Message / Notes
Again this 50/50 draw is for New Brunswick residents only. In support of Hopewell Hill – New Brunswick Retreat. They conduct a H.E.L.P. Program, Heroes Equine Learning Program for Military and First Responders. Your kind donations works towards maintaining and conducting this great program.
Thank you,

New Brunswick Lottery # 1992168-56001