Carpenters District Council of Ontario

The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation / The Rolling Barrage is very fortunate to be sponsored by the Carpenters District Council of Ontario which provides administrative, leadership and training to Local Carpenters and Joiners Unions. 

About the Membership

Our membership is now over 30,000 and is growing every year. We pride our members on being productive, efficient, and skilled so projects are completed to a high standard that is also cost-effective and completed on time for our clients.

The Carpenters’ Union ensures that members have the best training at our leading-edge facilities and learn to use the most up-to-date equipment.

For the Brothers and Sisters who join us, we emphasize the need to be up-to-date on the latest industry news, including health & safety issues, as well as being familiar with legislation that may affect their occupation.

The Carpenters’ Council emphasizes the importance of Community, both within our membership and in the public sphere. As a member, you will have thousands of Brothers and Sisters that are facing the same concerns as you. Outside of the membership, Brothers and Sisters use their skills and time for charity work to benefit the wider community. 

Community Work 

The Carpenters Union through it various Union Locals support several community based initiatives across Canada, the US and overseas. Some of them are: 

  • Helmets to Hardhats 
  • Renos for Heroes 
  • The Jennifer Ashleigh Foundation
  • Jane and Finch Revitalization
  • Hurricane Katrina
  • Haiti Earthquake

To learn more about the community work and initiatives that the Carpenters Union engages in, please visit Community Involvement