Some of you may have noticed, we’re doing some renovations on the website. Hold on a sec.. lot of hammering and stuff goin’ on in the background. “Hey!! guys, guys… take a break or whatever, can’t you see I am trying to tell people what is going on!”
Anyway…While the previous website design was great, we wanted to move towards a look that presented in two key elements; a deep red with headline accents that touched on that and a white background so the information we present stood out a bit more clearer. I know the main entry page is like “WHOA!!! red background overload. Kind of based on the primary design for that page due to the slider graphic, which we will change up from time to time as well. The rest of the websites pages will however just have a red band that encompasses the Menu. Speaking of menu.
One of the first things we have reinstated was the News area.
It’s important to have regular News that really in many ways is where our Facebook Page has been lifting the heavy weight from a Social Media perspective. So there is going to be some shameless repeats here of posts from our Facebook page in order to elevate our web presence and bring our overall website footprint more forward.
Our Menu is going to expand over time… like big time… if the site you see now is like a two level house; we’re building a skyscraper by comparison when all is said and done. So you are going to see it as it progresses. Imagine a crane and we’re just adding platform on top of platforms to reach new heights. Truthfully we needed to go this way. The Rolling Barrage is this amazing ride that has a huge history going all the way back to 2017. We need to exhibit that and more obviously. It also has to make sense in its structure. There was a while there the main Home page looked like a deluxe pizza with every topping imagined. We get it; you kind of want to put as much possible front and center so people may not miss something but it really makes for information overload. As the build out/up continues you will see the main menu change and sub-menu. A lot of the information will be shuffled around, and expanded on that is already here, or new added content. In fact in terms of the News content, you are going to see some of the older content for historical purposes until I can transition some of the Facebook posts here, and then newer stuff forward.
All we can ask is for some patience.
Anyway… <blows whistle> “Alright you malingerers time to get back to work here… we have a website to get cracking on…move it, move it, move it.”
Christian Carter
CEO – The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation