The Rolling Barrage since August 1st 2023 has had a truck and trailer carrying merchandise as the ride progresses from coast to coast. We have had re-supply done in Halifax, Nova Scotia and in Kingston, Ontario. Our latest re-supply is in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and this is to satisfy demand till the end of the ride.

Purchase of merchandise is normally conducted in the morning before Safety Brief and Kick Stands up, at lunch break, if workable due to scheduling and at the end hotel stop or event location for the evening.

Shirt / Hoodie sizes are from Small to 3XL. We also have a really great The Rolling Barrage coffee mug, a cool-looking toque and beanie style toque as well. Plus a wide assortment of badges and a newly designed Challenge Coin. At the merchandise trailer, they have a posted catalogue of items that are for sale you can look over.

Proceeds of merchandise sales go directly into the operations of the ride and donation contributions that The Rolling Barrage provides across the country.

We accept payments by credit, debit and cash.

The Rolling Barrage Limited Edition 2023 – Long Sleeve Shirt is still available. We will not be ordering any more as we have to get ready for research, design and production of the next Limited Edition 2024 – Long Sleeve Shirt. So get them while you can.

The volunteers who drove from Alberta to Newfoundland, then proceeded across the country with the Rolling Barrage and will then return to Alberta, have worked very hard and we are very fortunate to have them. Please extend a thank you to them as much as we thank you for your for your purchases.

The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation / The Rolling Barrage