The Rolling Barrage has another contest for May 2023. This time around, the prize is a $50.00 gift card from Petro Canada. How about that!
We want you to share with others on our The Rolling Barrage – Facebook Page, a picture of your ride and if you want to be in it in some way, even better. The more creative you are with the setting, background, the content of the picture, the better. Carola Singer will do the judging! Our wonderful Chief of Marketing, but a lot of you know her from previous rides for the Rolling Barrage as our Okotoks, Alberta Rep.
The Requirements are simple:
- Picture of your motorcycle or motorcycles if you have a collection of them together
- One picture only per contestant .. so make it count
- You can use a previous show and shine picture you may have if you have one
- Be creative.. take your ride out. Nice backdrops or something intriguing are always cool
- If you are in the picture great, if not, and the focus is just your motorcycle, that is more than good
How you win:
- The content in the picture
- Interactions with your post on our Facebook page such as comments, Likes, and Loves
- In the event of a tie; we will leave that to Carola on how she will figure that out.
- You can’t win if you don’t participate!
The contest runs from May 7th 2023 until the end of May on the 31st. Give Carola a few days to review the pictures and she will then announce a winner. The Winner will be announced on our The Rolling Barrage – Fun S*** Stuff page, with the winning picture. Also, a blog post and Facebook post.
The Winner will be contacted so we can deliver the gift card to you.

So get out there, get creative and have some fun. We look forward to seeing everyone’s ride.
Good luck!