At this very moment, there are 19 Canadians and a Support Dog (Spark), participating in the annual Run For The Wall ride across the United States, from California to Washington D.C.

The Canadians, also affectionally known as Cobra Chickens, the nickname of Canada’s largest predatory bird, but first in territorial instincts, next to the native polar, grizzly bears, cougars, wolverines, badgers, and bison, are currently on the RFTW – Midway Route which runs from May 14th to 25th 2024.

Many of the Canadian participants have done the RFTW several times. Those that have done the ride are given opportunities such as Road Guard or having the honour of riding in Missing Man formation. Which honours a US military veteran missing in action.

There are several Canadian participants who have not done the RFTW previously, but much like The Rolling Barrage, all the FNG’s, and Newb’s will be treated great. There may be singing an anthem and jumping into a body of water thing.. but don’t worry it has been done before and Cobra Chicken’s don’t fear being heard, heights or water.

Aside from this post, we have created a Photo Gallery of the Canadians on RFTW – 2024.

To learn more about RFTW – XXXIV – yes that is 34 years, please visit RFTW.

To learn more specifically about Midway Route please go to the following.

Website – Midway Route Hub, Information, Routes and Itinerary

Facebook – Midway Page