Crimes – none specified in Warrants other than “Person of Interest”

Intelligence – it is believed Jim “Cyber Grump” Gordon’s hair follicles have a high value to the Charity / Not For Profit community. Rumors of gold like properties within his hair have been noted by many eyewitnesses. The coloring also suggests potentially platinum.

Recent Activities

Jim “Cyber Grump” Gordon has from August 1st to date eluded authorities in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario and Manitoba.

Intelligence sources confirm he is entering Saskatchewan, but with increased attendance during The Rolling Barrage VII 2023, he is able to blend in among other riders and remains elusive to capture.

It is believed, however, his time will be up in Okotoks, Alberta. The word is out and escape into the mountains is not an option.

How You Can Help

An operation of this magnitude requires funding. The Rolling Barrage is co-operating with authorities in his safe capture and extraction of known hair follicles. Authorities believe this can be done safely in Okotoks, Alberta. With the expected attendance at this location, he will surrender peacefully.

Donations to The Rolling Barrage can be done directly in support of this operation and all programs and operations that The Rolling Barrage contributes to across the country. Funds received will go towards other Charity and Not for-Profit organizations so they too can benefit from Jim – Cyber Grump – Gordon’s capture.

As sightings and Intel is gathered, deciphered, and collated we will inform on progress.

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