by Christian | May 9, 2024 | Testimonials
Testimonies are described as: a solemn declaration first hand knowledge and authentication open acknowledgement a public profession, opinion or view a decree Below are Testimonies of those who have been on The Rolling Barrage over the years, be it a rider, safety,...
by Christian | May 9, 2024 | Testimonials
C’est par hasard que je suis tombé sur le site du Rolling Barrage, alors que je faisais des recherches au sujet du PTSD (SSPT en français). Après 35 ans de service comme policier, j’ai été diagnostiqué avec le syndrome post-traumatique en 2020. J’ai décidé de...
by Christian | May 9, 2024 | Testimonials
First, let me say that, despite what the organizers may think, this was the most organized, well run, well led, and well received (by the riders and the public that we encountered) ride I have ever been part of. I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to all those who...
by Christian | May 9, 2024 | Testimonials
We participated in The Rolling Barrage for the first time in the summer of 2021. We were supposed to participate for three days. So only civilians of the group in this portion of the journey, we had the feeling of being imposters, unsure of being in our place in this...
by Christian | May 9, 2024 | Testimonials
Nous avons participé à The Rolling Barrage pour la première fois à l’été 2021. Nous devions participer pendant trois jours. Alors seuls civils du groupe dans cette portion du trajet, nous avions un peu le sentiment d’être des imposteurs, incertains d’être à notre...