We participated in The Rolling Barrage for the first time in the summer of 2021. We were supposed to participate for three days. So only civilians of the group in this portion of the journey, we had the feeling of being imposters, unsure of being in our place in this hike.

Over the hours we established links with several participants and already after the first day we felt welcomed in this community. The magic worked and we finally extended our participation by one day.

On the morning of departure, we became aware of the comfort that our participation had brought to some participants. This confirmed that as civilians we had our place in this group. Without having served our country, as soldiers, or our community, as first responders, we could support these men and women by our presence and our listening.

When we returned, we were both transformed, it was a very memorable experience in our lives. We missed the group so much! We felt a big emptiness! Since then, we have become more sensitive to the reality of these men and women who suffer in silence.

Though these wounds are not visible (some wounds aren’t visible). That’s why we’ve since supported this event and why we’re getting involved, with the deep desire to one day do the “Full Pull”.

The Rolling Barrage is a wind therapy. A unique experience for everyone, whether you are a veteran, first responder, their family or like us, civilians.

It’s friendships and a big family that are woven over the miles and stretch from coast to coast. In a short time you feel this benevolence that settles between the participants and you know… You know that they are and will always be there for you and that it is reciprocal.

That’s what sums up, the footprint that the The Rolling Barrage leaves on you. 

Michelle Croteau & François Couture The Rolling Barrage Alumni / Provincial Leads – Quebec , The Rolling Barrage