As I sit here waiting for the words to come to express myself, I find that writing this testimonial is a struggle…… is my story:

Sitting in my garage in 2016/17, I contemplated riding across Canada with a couple of close friends Scott (SC) and Leslie (Lastly). SC had a vision of establishing an annual Coast to Coast ride across Canada called The Rolling Barrage (TRB) that would raise awareness and fundraise for PTSD for Veterans and First Responders. I’m like, “ya, whatever SC” but the idea intrigued me.

I found myself agreeing and the next thing you know, I’m in my home province, Newfoundland, starting a ride across Canada with a couple of close friends and three strangers. There were 7 of us doing the Full Ride / Pull.

In 2018, again sitting in my garage…..SC says, “ya know we have to do it again”. I remember sitting there looking at him with a WTF look on my face. As I looked at him, I could see that his heart and soul was poured in his vision of TRB and he could not / would not let it fail!

By completing the Full Ride in 2018, it would cement the foundation of creating an annual ride to combat PTSD. How could I say no? 2018 saw me complete the Full Ride / Pull!!

Soooo, the first year for me was solely to get across Canada. 2018 I was there to support SC but I began to feel the power of the ‘ride’ and to feel the emotional and mental support from the variety of riders that joined the ride across the country.

For me, this is when I recognized that the Core values of TRB aligned with my own career (RCMP) and personal Core Values. SERVICE. HONOUR. INTEGRITY.DEDICATION. VIGILANCE. COURAGE. SACRIFICE. I had found people I could trust.

Fast forward, I participated in TRB every year since with the exception of 2022. In August / September of 2022, I was dealt a personal blindside that almost broke me. I had a huge support network, but the struggle was real, and it was hard!

In early November 2022, I decided that I wanted to get back to my Core values and to the Core Values of TRB. I would do TRB 2023 Full Pull!!!

This was a decision that I am forever grateful I made and fulfilled. I’m not gonna lie, the first 3-4 days were sketchy as hell…I don’t think I could have cried more behind my sunglasses!! Let me try to explain, I met up with old friends who embraced me and who accepted my new personal circumstances without prying questions. I met brand new people who didn’t know me from Adam but accepted me for who I was and who didn’t ask invasive questions.

As I settled into the ride, I found ‘me’ again! Actually, I found a better and stronger version of me that I had lost somewhere along the way. I am so very grateful to all the riders, as each and every person helped me….some without knowing it….some knowing fully what their friendship and support means.

Whether TRB is a personal journey of discovery or as a means of support for Veteran’s / First Responders and their FAMILIES; this is an experience that you will not regret.

Bring on TRB 2024!!!


Sheila Bonia

Full Pull Alumni , The Rolling Barrage