I thru my leg over the saddle after reuniting with a brother on The Rolling Barrage 3 years ago in Barrie, Ontario.
The following year I did a day ride with them as they rolled through Barrie.
Last year (2022) I did Kingston, ON to Sault Ste Marie, ON, and this year (2023) I’m doing The Full Pull.

The Rolling Barrage change my life. It gave me back more than I can ever explain. After that first reconnect, I reconnected with the boys from P-Coy – 3 RCR, in what has turned into P-Coy Fall-Ex.
My wife noticed a change almost overnight. To a point where she insisted I do Fall-Ex the next year.
Reconnecting with my old brothers gave me purpose/family. Had I not reconnected, things would be a lot different today.

Reconnecting put me in contact with James Gordon, which put me in contact with Lloyd Farmer and started reopening VAC cases.

John Quint
Full Pull Alumni, The Rolling Barrage