When I first heard about Scott Casey’s far-fetched scheme about a Coast to Coast motorcycle ride in 2016 I didn’t think much about it, I didn’t even have a bike at the time. The last bike I owned was a 1987 Honda Hurricane 1000 that I bought new. I had only ridden once since the birth of my daughter in 1989.

As 2016 wore on, I heard more and more about this “Epic” ride and saw more and more friends from back in the day talking about joining in for part of it. By March 2017 I knew I had to be part of this but still didn’t have a bike.

My first decision was easy; what bike? Well a 1987 Honda Hurricane 1000 of course. A few months on Kijiji and I had one on the way to Alberta from Ontario.

I rode from Lloydminster to Kamloops with the inaugural run and my Son Tyler joined me from Edmonton. Having Tyler join and meet so many AMAZING people was incredible for me, seeing him interact and get a glimpse of what makes “Dad” tick was priceless but when he mentioned joining for a longer ride the next year and always making an effort to join each year since has left me feeling truly blessed. Later sharing the ride with my Girlfriend and 30+ year Veteran Theresa has been amazing for us both.

I’ve ridden ever increasing distances every year (Except of course 2020), completed Full Pulls 2021 & 2022 and I will do another in 2023.

Meeting all the great people and hearing their stories has been humbling, there are so many that have given so much without asking for anything. Re-connecting with many old friends along the way has been a gift, we’ve picked up right where we left off without missing a beat 25+ years later.

I find there’s a level of trust when speaking with people who have similar experiences, it’s easy to discuss difficult topics without judgment. Whether they are still Serving, Veterans or First Responders, we all have a story. Seeing and hearing those stories has shown me the true value and magic of this ride.

If you’ve ever thought about doing this ride, stop wondering. This is the Family you didn’t know you had, the experience you never knew you needed.


Warren Cave CD1

Full Pull Alumni / Service and Support / Riding Groups – The Rolling Barrage, Director – The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation