The Rolling Barrage – Online Merchandise Store is now Open. If you were unable to come see us while we rode coast to coast from St. Johns, NFLD to Vancouver, BC, but wanted some our popular merchandise we have a good stock of items.

The popular items such as The Rolling Barrage – Limited Edition Shirts, the Pull-Over Hoodie and Zip-Up Hoodie are still available. In sizes from S – XXXL. With colder weather approaching, they are perfect to take that chill off.

We also have The Rolling Barrage short sleeve shirts in two-styles, various colors, sizes from S-XXXL, and for women and men.

We also have a wide range of badges, decals, The Rolling Barrage – Challenge Coin, coffee mugs, and two styles of toques. Traditional toque with the pom-pom and the Beanie.

The best way to get your value in shipping is to just fill it with merchandise to get your money’s worth. Remember that proceeds go towards organizations that we forward donations to through the year.

In the picture you see The Rolling Barrage – Board of Director Warren, sporting the Limited Edition Long Sleeve Shirt for TRB VII 2023 and our Coffee, Tea, whatever it may be, Mugs.

As always, a sincere thank you to everyone who participated in our TRB VII 2023 ride. Riders across the country, Full Pullers, Provincial Leads, Volunteers, Supporters of all kinds. Thanks also extended to all the First Responder services who escorted, saluted, rose flags and hosted us along the way.

The Merchandise Store is Open.

Thank you,

The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation / The Rolling Barrage