The Rolling Barrage VII - 2023 - Hoodie
The Rolling Barrage VII – 2023 – Hoodie

Another new item in our Merch Store this year is The Rolling Barrage VII – 2023 Hoodie. It has been a number of years since The Rolling Barrage designed and manufactured a hoodie. We’re really excited about this product and we hope you are too. As it is bulky, it is best to order and have this item shipped with another item or series of items from our store to maximize your shipping dollar.

Someone had mentioned something about the CEO of The Rolling Barrage wearing and running around with The Rolling Barrage hat, neck gator, a t-shirt, the Limited Edition shirt, the Hoodie and dark glasses like MiB, all at once while riding his Big Wheel bicycle and yelling “vrooom vrooom.”

These are rumours of course, but with him you can never be sure.

As with all your purchases. A portion goes towards the ride, operational, logistical, admin costs, contingency funds for merchandise purchases in the future and more importantly raising funds to help veterans active duty military and emergency first responders across Canada. So go over to our Merchandise Shop and smash them Quantities and Add to Cart Buttons and get yourself some of that sweet merch.

The Rolling Barrage is You, and You are The Rolling Barrage

Thank you,
