The Rolling Barrage VIII – 2024 – Route Information Guides have been updated to Version 3.0 – dated May 10 – 2024 in both English and French PDF Versions.

Update – this update is specific to Days 7 and 17 – which has The Rolling Barrage in Levis QC on a rest day and Day 17 in Jasper AB on a rest day.

This update would affect riders and participants in the following scenarios.

  • riders and participants who are doing The Full Pull across the country
  • riders and participants who are riding from east coast provinces into Quebec or through to Ontario during the ride
  • riders and participants who are starting in Levis’ QC and then proceeding to Ontario with The Rolling Barrage
  • riders and participants who are starting prior to Jasper AB and moving forward into British Columbia

To download the Route Information Guide please go to our Route Information page on our website. You will see on that page direct links to download the Route Guides in English and French in PDF format.

Also Note

As you can see in the news, wildfire season has already started in areas of British Columbia as an example. There is a bracket of areas that historically have had an impact not only on the local communities directly but also the ride. The areas are mainly in Northern Ontario, from north of Sault Ste Marie to the Ontario / Manitoba border, and areas within Alberta and British Columbia.

We will endeavour to release information relating to Route Changes because of Emergency Management protocols and notices as much in advance as possible. Understand that emergencies are very fluid and dynamic situations and a change can happen rather quickly.

Every province in Canada maintains an Emergency Management Office. For information relating to Emergency Management Organizations across Canada, please visit;

Thank you