Ok, so the phrase may not have quite the punch as Maverick and Goose from the movie Top Gun… fair enough. Does not change the spirit of it, though.

The number of Registered Riders to date is actually pretty damn good. Let me maybe rephrase that. It is quite remarkable, actually. Consider this; and I have told on this blog some of the history of The Rolling Barrage. In 2017, we had literally a handful of riders do the Full Pull. This year, 2023, we are pushing past that into the 50+ riders range going across the country.

We have riders right now as I am writing this blog making their way to Newfoundland on motorcycles. Some clear across the other end of the country west all the way to the east to ride back west. We have a truck, with an awesome trailer provided by Big Freight Systems hauling motorcycles right now to Newfoundland. There is going to be more on that in another blog, by the way.

We have riders flying in from all points west as well into Newfoundland. We have a rider, coincidently from Germany. A man I and others served with in the CAF, fly in, doing the Full Pull and by the way, he also is the Newfoundland Provincial Rep too.

We have riders from the United States joining us. Friends of friends from other rides, such as Run for The Wall and personal journeys across both our great countries.

We have active duty military, Veterans, active duty First Responders and veterans from those communities joining in. We have supporting riders from all kinds of professions, experiences and lives. Women.. men.. younger and more seasoned alike.

So what am I asking for? Well, every one of our current riders knows probably another rider maybe riding the fence on whether to join us or not. But if you could reach out and maybe say; “Hey brother, hey sister, join me for a day. I could use the company.” You may have already done that, and they are joining in. But to those that haven’t. It is worth a conversation.

That way, you have someone… you know, you can “high five” as you walk towards the lineup of motorcycles on The Rolling Barrage.

To Register Online

The Rolling Barrage PTSD Foundation / The Rolling Barrage