by Christian | Jun 30, 2023 | The Rolling Barrage
It is hard to believe but the days just seem to melting away, June will be in the past shortly. Happy Canada Day everyone. On July 1st it is Canada Day. I am sure many of you have plans, maybe get in a little riding or just spend some time at home or away somewhere...
by Christian | Jun 26, 2023 | The Full Pull, The Rolling Barrage
Website Guy – “Hey, who are you?” Pipes – “I’m Pipes.Just here to remind you, it is time to remind others of The Rolling Barrage and Registering for the ride.” Website Guy – “Okay… wait.. where is the picture...
by Christian | Jun 14, 2023 | The Full Pull, The Rolling Barrage
It is 47 days to Kick Stands Up (KSU) in Newfoundland. The day is approaching near where in August 2023 The Rolling Barrage will be going into its 7th Year! A lot of changes have transpired over the years with The Rolling Barrage. Literally a handful by comparison...
by Christian | Jun 11, 2023 | The Full Pull, The Rolling Barrage
Website Guy – “Hello everyone. I would just like to take some time to bring everyone up to speed on some updates recently done on the website, documentation, and general news.” “Where do I start?” Kick Stands Up! – “The Rolling Barrage is kick stands up in 50 days in...
by Christian | Jun 11, 2023 | The Rolling Barrage
Le Rolling Barrage offre une expérience unique et mémorable aux participants. Lorsque vous entreprenez ce voyage à travers le pays, soit en tant que « Full Puller » (Full Puller est le terme utilisé pour identifier nos participants inscrit pour la traversée complète...