by Christian | Feb 11, 2023 | The Rolling Barrage, TRB
The Rolling Barrage – 2023 – Dates and Stops The Rolling Barrage for 2023 will be our 7th year. How time flies. Just seems like yesterday, many of us were on the inaugural ride. A lot of places and a lot of kilometers / miles have passed since then. Jim...
by Christian | Feb 11, 2023 | The Rolling Barrage, TRB
Something is Happening Here! Some of you may have noticed, we’re doing some renovations on the website. Hold on a sec.. lot of hammering and stuff goin’ on in the background. “Hey!! guys, guys… take a break or whatever, can’t you see I am...
by Christian | Jan 10, 2022 | TRB
Stay tuned for more information soon. Registration will open online in the coming weeks as will the Shop. The cost to register online is as follows: # Days Without Passenger With Passenger 1-3 $30 $45 4-6 $60 $90 7+ $90 $135 Our 2022 plan is as follows: August 1...
by Christian | Dec 3, 2021 | TRB
The Victoria Cross “is awarded to persons who, in the presence of the enemy, display the most conspicuous gallantry; a daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice; or extreme devotion to duty.”Private Jess Larochelle (also known as “Strong Point...
by Christian | Jul 29, 2021 | TRB
There has been a substantial amount of work that has gone into putting all the information together all across the country and ensuring that it is consistent and clear. We hope that this document has everything you need.You can print the pages/dates that interest...
by Christian | Jul 2, 2021 | TRB
Our 2021 T-Shirts Our 2021 line of T shirts, better reflects the diversity that we have in our participants, and our planning team. Using smaller logos to represent the branches of the Canadian Forces, and our First Responder partners.These shirts are black,...