Welcome to The Full Pull Blog
This blog is dedicated to The Rolling Barrage as a ride across Canada, from the east coast to the west coast.
Over time, a collection of The Rolling Barrage “Full Pull” articles will be here for you to read.
While the focus of this area of the website will be on the current year that The Rolling Barrage is set and scheduled to ride, there will be also be blog articles that relate to the history and the people.
The Rolling Barrage completed its 7th year ride in 2023. There are stories to tell. The Rolling Barrage is moving into its 8th year, TRB (VIII). We have our long-term vision on our 10th Anniversary, TRB (X). We hope you enjoy this section of our website as much as we love to bring stories about The Rolling Barrage ride to you.
9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline
You Deserve to Be Heard Call 9-8-8 Text 9-8-8 I Need Help, Right Now Call 9-8-8 Text 9-8-8 Whatever you’re going through, you are not alone. 9-8-8 responders are there to help you find a way through, no matter...
Throttle is Back – The Rolling Barrage VII – 2023
Throttle - (Chatting with Torque on Pet-Book a secret social media platform they all use... on Website Guy's computer) "Yeah, so bro, I did this Rolling Barrage thing, I am still @#$%^&* wet. Rain! @#$%-^&*&,...
The Rolling Barrage VII – 2023 – Testimonies
Over the past few weeks the website's Testimony page has been redesigned and several riders that took part in this year's Rolling Barrage contributed to their testimony / story. Actually, it was their testimonies and...
The Rolling Barrage – Updates – Aug 26 2023
It is already a week since The Rolling Barrage would ride to the last stop for The Rolling Barrage VII 2023. Since that time, the final closing event, the west coast tire dip and the departure of riders and support...
Registration Online – Still Open – The Rolling Barrage 2023
The Rolling Barrage VII 2023 is still moving coast to coast. They are in the western part of Canada now and there is still time to be part of this amazing ride. They had a great reception and lunch at the Big Freight...
The Rolling Barrage – Route Info Changes 12 Aug 2023
Additional information has been added to Day 19 (Saturday 19 Aug 2023) - Kelowna BC - Burnaby BC with respect to the Dinner and Grand Finale for The Rolling Barrage. You can download the updated PDF here: Day 19 (Sat 19 Aug...
The Rolling Barrage – Route Info Changes – 11 Aug 2023
Torque - "Hello everyone, Torque here, just to advise that there are some minor changes to Days 15, 16 and 17 Route Information but only for meal arrangement information." Website Guy - "Hey! What you doing on my computer?"...
The Rolling Barrage – Route Info Changes – 07 Aug 2023
There has been updates to The Rolling Barrage - Route Information for Day 9 ( Wed 09 August 2023) Kingston ON - Petawawa ON. You can download the PDF directly from the link above provided for the day's ride. For those that...
Online Registrations – The Rolling Barrage 2023
Online Registrations continue to come in across the country as The Rolling Barrage progresses coast to coast, east to the west. We cannot thank those that have rode with us in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island...
The Rolling Barrage – August 1 2023
In a few short hours, The Rolling Barrage will be Kick Stands Up in St. Johns Newfoundland. This, of course, is depending on when you read this. The countdown timer on our website has already clocked in the new day of...